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Libra 145

This is the culmination of the whole process. It is the
marriage of the lamb with the bride, Libra. It is prophesied
that the husband of the bride will die after marriage (man
is a mortal being on the objective level). Therefore, the
sacrament of marriage is performed with a ram and the
death of the bridegroom is crossed thereby. This allegory
about the would-be wife of the blind king in Maha-bha-ratha
explains the marriage of the lamb in Heavens.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. It corresponds
to the seventh house in the horoscope. This represents
the marriage partner which means the polarity of sex in
the average man. The woman in man and the man in
woman are taken out separately to carry out the act of
reproduction or reflection of the upper half of the circle
in the lower half or matter.

This sign, like Gemini, rules the lateral sense of man
(Jara-sandha), but Libra indicates the culmination of the
lateral sense in the equilibrium of the mind. “Sama-na
Va-yu”, the equalised force of the vital body is located in
the centre of the Brahmarandhra, along the hollow which
is called Sushumna. This has three main centres, one in
the A


jna- chakra, another in the heart-centre and a third in
the solar plexus. The first centre controls the mind, the
second controls the emotions and the third governs the
physical poise of man. The functions of these centres (only
of the vital body) are located in Libra. This three-fold
function is called Sama-na Va-yu. The seat of the three-fold
activity is located in the heart-centre. Libra represents the
heart-centre as far as this function of the vital body is
concerned. Inhalation and exhalation are the grosser
manifestations of Pra-n.a and Apa-na. A poise of the breath
impulses in the heart-centre that is brought about through
the art of Pra-n.a-ya-ma will lead the consciousness of the

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