Libra 151
Crimson-red is the colour of the sign that vibrates
upon the average people through the solar plexus. This
colour is the result of the response of man to the cloudy
admixture in him of emotion, desire and love. To the
disciple who has erected his lotuses, violet is the colour.
To the disciple, who sits in the thousand petalled lotus,
the colour is a blend between blue and pure white. For
him, there is no difference between blue and white. Each
of these two colours, taken separately, denotes an objective
response to the colour sense of man.
The glyph of this sign is very significant. It represents
the bird with its fully stretched wings in a horizontal plane
but not touching the horizontal plane of the earth. The
wings stand completely parallel to the earth plane but
the bird is always above creation. It is said that there are
two birds on the vertical trunk of the tree of life. They are
identical and co-existing. One of them enjoys by eating
the fruit of the tree. The other enjoys by seeing the first
bird rejoicing in eating. It is pleasant to notice that persons
born under the influence of Libra are charitable and rejoice
in the sight of others enjoying. The bird above exists in
immortality, while the bird below eats immortality and
enjoys the taste as the fragment of its experience. The
glyph of this sign also represents the horizontal beam of
the scales. The year is divided into two equal parts at the
centre of the beam. This is the location of the autumn
equinox. The scales of Libra are called the scales of justice,
when Sagittarius, the sign of Judges is linked up with this
sign through the sextile aspect.
Magnetic iron is the metal of this sign because it
forms the lower pole of the magnet. Iron can be
magnetized by the mere touch or even by the presence of