8. Scorpio
Scorpio is the third fixed sign and the second watery
sign of the zodiac. It governs deep still waters. All the
pools and ponds, chasms and holes, darker regions below
the level of the earth, shade-loving plants, animals and
men, all the venomous creatures that crawl on earth
horizontally are governed by this sign. The uninhabited
caves, secret places and the underground dwellings of
criminals belong to this sign. Not only that, all the cave-
temples of initiation, secret libraries and the dwellings of
the great Adepts also come under this sign. Secrecy is the
key-note of the sign. Oil mines and hidden treasures are
linked up with Scorpio. Wherever there is no possibility
for the Sunshine to enter and wherever there is constant
darkness, there is the influence of Scorpio.
This is the eighth sign of the zodiac and it represents
the eighth house. Disappearance is the activity of this sign
and the house. The disappearance of the light of the soul,
through a gradual fall into matter-state is the process that
occurs here. Suspension of consciousness, due to the
predominance of the material plane on the higher planes
is the activity. Death, loss of consciousness, fainting and
coma are caused by the influence of this sign. Death of
consciousness occurs here periodically. Onions, garlic,
opium and such like toxic materials also belong to it. The
sex act as an indulgence which is the cause of the fall of
man is the influence of Scorpio. In the physical body, the