Scorpio 161
etheric activity caused by the presence of the animal
magnetism emanated from a body of the opposite sex.
The astral currents from the solar plexus also aid this. A
part of the mental consciousness is imprisoned here to
give the required sentiment, emotion and feeling.
This lower triangle holds the desire-body firmly
from escaping and being destroyed by the higher
consciousness. This is called “the sin of man” (Pa-pa-purusha).
This whole mechanism and its activity are governed by
Scorpio. The higher side of Mu-la-dha-ra is attached to the next
sign Sagittarius. It is called the tail of the horse in the story
of the Serpent and the Eagle.* This is the seat of Kundalini.
From this point there is a straight path for Kundalini to
travel upwards. This path is within the channel of
Brahmarandhra. This path is called Sushumna (the good
thread of light). In assuming the Siddha-sana, the student
of yoga, while he sits on “vertical levels” with his “equator
equal”, experiences a thrill at the lower end of Sushumna.
This thrill is due to the pulsation above the right heel
which is in close contact with the testes in its lower region.
This linking up gives an “electric hint” to the
Brahmarandhra. Then if he closes his eyes, controls his
Pra-n.a by Pra-n.a-ya-ma and meditates upon the centre of the
forehead in between eyebrows, his mind is located on the
upper end of Brahmarandhra. This gives the disciple, a thrill
from the pituitary body downwards. This “Pituitary hint”
calls forth Kundalini to travel safely upwards without the
dangers of the lower regions. Here lies a secret in the fact
that the sign Pisces represents the Pineal and the Pituitary
bodies, besides the feet in the physical body. A link-up
with the stars of the Pleiades that are located in the sign
- See Garuda in Appendix A.