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168 Spiritual Astrology

Sun God in a low tone at this time. In the day of gods,
which is our solar year, the passage of the annual Sun
through Sagittarius marks this spiritual time. Let the true
disciple of the path of cosmic yoga use this whole month
for his realisation. The eleventh phase of Moon before the
full-Moon of that solar month is the most sacred festival
for the disciples of one of the seven Ashrams. This day is
called the day of Lord Na-ra-yan.a. These disciples live on
liquid diet during the month and spend this whole day
in Sama-dhi state. They all sit in the form of a triangle and
utter forth the hymns on spiritual fire from the archaic
book of the cave temples. Each triangle contains 18
disciples and at the centre of each triangle, a Guru sits
and utters forth the sacred word. There are many details
of this ritual but we will reserve them to be described
fully in our volume on Rituals.

Jupiter is the Lord of this sign in all its levels. The
colour of the sign is orange for those who follow the path
of Cosmic yoga. For those who follow the ritualist path,
there is a special emblem of two colours. It consists of a
golden-yellow ring on a milk-white back-ground. For
those who follow the straight path to the face of the Sun,
we have already given the colours. For those who follow
the ritual of the Bhagavad Gi


ta there is a special emblem.
It is the five-pointed star in the colour of the lightning.
There is a detailed zodiacal key concealed in the Bhagvad


ta. We will deal with it separately in a pamphlet. H.P.B.
gave a rough idea of this key to William Q.Judge who
refers to it in a very brief article in his book Vernal Blooms.

All sweet fruits, especially all the dry fruits, come
under the influence of Sagittarius. They form a very fine
food for the disciples of the path of the Cosmic Fire. Beans

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