Sagittarius 169
of all types also belong to this sign. The sound ‘F’ is located
in this sign. It is strange to find that the sounds of the
three signs Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are all the
variations of the same consonant. All are labials. This sign
has a special connection with the sound principle, just
like the opposite sign Gemini. Gemini is the vehicle of
sound as vocal cords. Sagittarius is the soul, which works
through the vehicle of sound. It forms the deeper level of
sound than Gemini. Initiation through sound is the special
feature of this sign. Jupiter, the Lord of the sign is best
known as the Lord of the Va-k (Va-kpathi). He is the
masculine form of Saraswathi. This means, his is the role
of the utterer of the word as Guru who makes the disciple
repeat. “From mouth to ear and in low tone” is the path
of the initiation of this sign. The ancient Rishis used to
impart Ve-da mainly as a sound key to convey the content
of the Ve-da through “impression” directly from soul-level
to the spiritual level and not through teaching. While
Mercury, the Lord of Gemini, rules the expression of the
Word as language, Jupiter rules the transmitting of the
word as impression. Through this practice, the Guru
merges in s’ishya as the sacred word. “Swa-dhya-ya” is the
term used for the initiation of Veda.
The word means attaining one-self. In Brahma Vidya,
there is a five-fold formula which explains the five-pointed
star in a very good manner. The Guru, the disciple, the
word and the utterance of both of them are called the
components of a whole. The Guru is called the former form
of the word. The disciple is the latter form. The word is
the existing link. The utterance as repetition is the
establishing link. These four parts are the components of
the total expression of the word which is the fifth. This
formula exists in (1) the arrangement of the worlds