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Sagittarius 171

the functions of these opposite signs from objective to
subjective levels. The potencies of these four signs in the
Brahmarandhra are worked out by Kundalini through the
sound aspect of the word. The replacing of the chakra-s by
lotuses become automatic.

The symbol of the inverted tree in the Ve-da-s,
Upanishads and the fifteenth chapter of the Bhagvad Gi


has another outstanding secret. The tree is called As’wattha
(Ficus religiosa). With the aid of this tree, the yogi of the
ritualistic path who is born in this sign causes a
transmutation of the man on the horse through reversing
the wheel. Then the symbol of the sign is changed into
the man with the head of a horse. This is called Lord
Hayagreeva (the horse-headed deity). In the words of a
book on the Ta-ntric Rituals it is said - “Sit under the tree
Ficus religiosa. Eat the leaves of the tree. Meditate upon
Lord Hayagreeva through his mantra. Drink milk. You will
be Lord of all the keys between sound and the mind. You
will be the master of all the sciences and arts of creation.
You will be the master of all languages (human, animal,
plant and mineral). You can cut off the branches (effects)
and the roots (causes) of karma with the axe of non-
attachment”. “Rearrange the mantra of the great swan.
You get the mantra of Hayagreeva”. The mantra of swan is
“Ham-So”. Bring together “H” and “So” and you get
“HSOUM”. This is the mantra of Lord Hayagreeva who
should be meditated in milk-white colour.

The name of the tree ‘As’wattha’ means the seat of the
horse. All through the ve-dic symbolism, the horse is the
symbol of fire. Red horse is the symbol of solar fire and white
horse is the symbol of spiritual fire in man. The horse-sacrifice
(As’wame-dha) is the greatest of all the rituals that are
consecrated to the year-God to enhance the splendour of

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