11. Aquarius
Aquarius, the most sacred sign of the zodiac is the
fourth of the fixed signs and the third of the air triplicity.
It represents the establishment of man in the fourth plane
and in the third state of air, the spiritual air. The fourth
stage of establishment is the location of man in the “para-”
state of va-k. It is the utterer himself in whom the va-k exists
as himself. “In the beginning was the word” is the state
which precedes “and the word was God”. In the para state
of va-k, there is therefore no difference between the Word
and God. No God existed to the word and no word to the
God. This state can be only described by negating all other
things, because it cannot be posited in language. Even
the Ve-da describes this as “there was no non-existence;
yet there was no existence, and it was the background of
both”. Even the great Sankaracharya termed it as the “not
two” (Advaitha). Lord Krishn.a refers it as “is, is not and the
background of the two”. He therefore defined it as “beyond
that and only conceivable as that which”.
The sign Aquarius represents this state if at all it can
be called a state. Two potencies are concealed in it. They are
“is and is not”. They come down as two magnificent forces
of the supra-cosmic plane. They are “the measurer and the
one who comprehends” (Mitra and Varun.a). They both
conceive the great dweller of the supra-cosmic plane as
Vas’ishta and in the cosmic plane as Agastya. These two seers
preside over the spiritual dwellers of their respective planes.
They are above the spiritual level. “The highest group of the