202 Spiritual Astrology
Losing the lower mind into the background of soul is the
faculty bestowed by Neptune. For this reason, he leads
the path of the disciples into higher initiations through
devotion. Bhakthi yoga or the path of devotion forms one
of the three main paths of liberation. Generally, this leads
the majority of the disciples to the grace of the World
Mother, which is located in the opposite sign, Virgo. It
also leads to the path of beauty or the approach through
meditation of the Lord as the Cowherd. This is linked up
with Taurus through a sextile aspect. The path of
fellowship which is located in Leo and the path of the
investiture of the robe which is located in Capricorn, lead
to the path of the Karma yoga which is governed by the
concept of the Lord as Shepherd. This concept is located
in the sign Aries. It is linked up by a trine aspect with Leo
and as an exaltation sign of Mars in Capricorn.
Neptune is the exclusive ruler of Pisces and he serves
a double function. His role as Varun.a is to work out the
disciples to lose their lower consciousness (personality)
into the higher consciousness or group-consciousness.
This is upto the end of the construction of the Higher
Bridge. For those who follow the path of grace, Neptune
reflects the mysterious rays of another cosmic force, a
higher one called Indra. This starts with the merging of
chakra-s and finds its completion in the blossoming of the
lotus that is located within Brahmarandhra and near A-jna-
chakra. The function of Indra is to expand the soul-
consciousness of the disciple to find its fullest expression
in the spiritual consciousness on the level of Shamballa,
via the Hierarchy. For all those who are in the individual
level and who cannot respond to the functions of Neptune,
the rulership of this sign is taken up by Jupiter who gives
them opportunities to expand into the consciousness of