Some Basic Concepts about Planets 213
centre of the utterer, who is the word itself before he
uttered forth.
The reader is once again advised to have a clear-cut
concept of the basic unity described above before he enters
into the details. Now we will explain the details of the
first layer. The fourteen manvanthara-s of the increasing
Moon are classified into two types, sacred and non-sacred.
Again these fourteen manvanthara-s of increasing light bear
correspondence with the fourteen manvanthara-s of the
decreasing light in their reversed order of sequence. For
example, the first manvanthara of the increasing set
corresponds with the fourteenth manvanthara of the
decreasing set, and so on. Now we will give the
classification of the first set: the second, third, fifth,
seventh, tenth, eleventh and thirteenth manvanthara-s are
sacred. They are of spiritual nature and denote harmony
and progress.
The remaining manvanthara-s are of material nature
(with the exception of the eighth) and they indicate
disharmony and ill-balance. The eighth manvanthara
marks great changes and disorder, though of a spiritual
nature. The first manvanthara, which corresponds to the
new-Moon is called the dawn. It marks the awakening of
a creation. The manvanthara, corresponding to the full-
Moon, is called the great light. It marks another big
awakening of creation. This analysis can be applied to
the Moon-phases in the lunar month. Those born under
the sacred Moon-phases can easily develop in the path of
spiritualism while those born under the non-sacred Moon-
phases have a rugged path. The latter are advised to
meditate upon the story of the manifestation of God,