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226 Spiritual Astrology

(i) The cardinal cross consisting of Aries, Cancer,
Libra and Capricorn;

(ii) The fixed cross consisting of Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and Aquarius and

(iii) The mutable cross consisting of Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius and Pisces.

These three groups make him respond to the
physical, spiritual and mental sides of problems in their
given order. When he takes up practising yoga, they begin
to work as doubles: as Aries-Libra; Taurus-Scorpio;
Gemini-Sagittarius; Cancer-Capricorn; Leo-Aquarius and
Virgo-Pisces. The power of discrimination between the
higher and the lower principles of life, between the good
and bad sides of things and between the gross and subtler
principles of life, works through him to neutralise the
lower principles and establish his consciousness in the
higher principles. For example, a planet in his horoscope,
which is progressing in Taurus, stimulates the nature of
Taurus and Scorpio equally. This level of realisation
gradually brings in the Libra principle (balancing of
things) in him. This neutralises the effects of progression
and stops the wheel to proceed in the reverse direction.
Then the fourth stage is reached.

(d) In this fourth stage man becomes group-conscious
and is taken into a secret spiritual order through soul
contact. Once again, the ascendant gains
prominence. The candidate unfolds into the
experiences of the twelfth, eleventh and tenth signs
from the sign of his ascendant. During this process,
he retraces the experiences of his past birth in the
twelfth sign (the twelfth house has Pisces principle

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