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228 Spiritual Astrology

(a) The secrets of his whole span, in a particular level,
are concealed in the time of the day instead of in the
signs of the zodiac. The six hours from his birth
contain the whole picture of his connection with the
Hierarchy. The planets being stable, the earth’s axis
rotates through 90 degrees in six hours. During this
time, man is said to stand up on his own legs. His
birth ascendant reaches his tenth house (the highest
point of illumination) in six hours. Progress the
ascendant and the houses at the rate of one degree
per year. The aspects that are formed during this
process will give the readings of his life incidents
during that period. This gives the readings of how a
person is linked up with some intelligences of the
Hierarchy. Most of his time, the disciple lives in his
heart-centre, receiving higher instructions. Through
gradual steps, he is lifted to the A


jna--centre, when
his horoscope shows yet another change.

(b) In this second higher stage, he is linked up once
again with the group consciousness of humanity at
large. Some duties and responsibilities are entrusted
to him by the Hierarchy through the Guru to
improve his fitness to receive the next stage. Now
the earlier progression fails to work. The direction
of the wheel is to be reversed, but the process is the
same as that of the above. The birth planets, being
stable, progress the birth ascendant in the opposite
direction at the rate of one year a degree. Then you
will locate the workings of the disciple. You will
know the nature of duties entrusted to him.

In the next state, which marks the beginning of the
third phase of his discipleship and which includes the last

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