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The Ascendant and the Houses 229

three initiations, the candidate is raised to the level of
Sahasra-ra and linked up directly with Shamballa. This is
the end of his horoscope. He is located only in the
progressions of the horoscope of this earth.

These are the stages of the spiritual path that can be
traced through the horoscope of a man. All the details of
the process of expansion and linking are given elaborately
by Alice A. Bailey in her book Esoteric Astrology. We,
therefore, leave the readers here for the present and take
up another topic. All these methods of progression, except
the process of reversing the direction of the wheel, are
given through Alan Leo in his book Progressed Horoscope.
The secret of the reversed wheel is given in English by
the Masters for the first time, through Alice A.Bailey. It
was first given by the sage Para-s’ara. The secrets of the
method are fully worked out by the Tibetan Master only
through Alice A.Bailey.

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