250 Spiritual Astrology
The Sun and the Moon are called the right and the
left eyes of Vishn.u. This statement is very deep and
conveys many secrets to the practical occultist. Though
the two eyes of man seem to be identical in their structure
and function of sight, there is much difference for a
student of spiritual anatomy. Ida and Pingal.a are the two
conductors of lunar and solar currents in man. Pingal.a,
the solar pulsation is linked up with the right eye. It is
stimulated into action by fixing up the mind through
meditation on the right eye. Ida, the lunar pulsation, is
connected with the left eye. Sushumna, the cosmic
pulsation, runs in between and is linked up with the centre
between the eyebrows.
They are described as the three De-vi
s : Ida, Lakshmi
and Saraswathi in the Ve-da-s. Saraswathi or Sushumna is also
described as the river which runs through the substratum.
In the Pura-n.a-s these are described as Gauri, Lakshmi and
Saraswathi. Sushumna runs vertically from the head-centre
to Mu-la-dha-ra. The solar current starts from the head-centre
along the Sushumna and deviates to the left. The lunar
current deviates to the right. They again meet at the A
chakra, cross each other in Sushumna and undergo the first
inversion. They again cross each other at the throat-centre
and undergo the second inversion. There is another
inversion at the heart-centre after which they finally meet
at Mu-la-dha-ra. This forms the rod of initiation at the top of
which (head-centre) there is the point of initiation. For
this reason, Sun is called the right eye of Vishn.u. When
the three currents are taken into consideration, the
Pura-n.a-s describe the Sun as one of the three eyes of Lord
S’iva. The three eyes represent the Cosmic Fire, Solar Fire
and Lunar Fire or Fire by Friction. In the spiritual level,
they are called the three eyes of Siva. In the soul-level,
they are called the three eyes of Devi, the World Mother.