Moon 255
The buddhic plane of our solar system was the result
of the workings of So-ma over the five-pointed star of this
solar system. When the solar system was in a state of
gestation and when it was developing the planetary
faculties as only the five senses, So-ma caused the birth of
the planetary principle of Mercury. By the end of this
working, there was the birth of buddhic consciousness,
localised later in the planet Mercury. For this very secret
reason, the pura-n.a-s describe Mercury as the Son of Moon
(So-ma, in fact). The play of mind in man gradually gives
birth to the higher mental. This higher mental receives
detached impressions of the higher principles in man and
there is the origin of the buddhic plane. It is the desire to
grow which causes the lower nature of man ascend into
the buddhic consciousness. Remember that the culmination
of evolution is man and that his evolution is a two-fold
process. The higher principles descend as helpers to raise
the lower. The lower principle, propelled by the activity
of Ka-ma, ascend higher. The result is the meeting of the
higher mind with the higher principles as Buddhi. At first,
the higher principles descend through the workings of
Jupiter. In the meanwhile, the lower principles are raised
by the workings of Moon. Mercury is born as a result
(Mercury therefore represents the buddhic plane in man).
This is the meaning of the allegory* that Moon approached
Jupiter as his disciple and begot a son named Budha
through the wife of Jupiter. The satellite Moon worked as
a blind in concealing the wisdom of the grand mystery of
the above said phenomena.
At the present state of evolution, So-ma has
distributed his workings under two groups. He is
- See Budha (Appendix A).