4. Mercury
Mercury is the compromising principle between the
higher and the lower worlds. For this reason, he is called
the messenger to Gods, the speech of the divine beings
and the arbitrator of the angels. He is the agent of divine
alchemy to transform the baser metals of the lower triangle
of man into the king of the metals which moulds the higher
triangle. Mu-la-dha-ra, Swa-dhishta-na and Man.ipu-raka form the
lower triangle. Sahasra-ra, A
jna- and the birthplace of Indra
form the higher triangle. The throat-centre is linked up
with the lower triangle. The heart-centre is linked up with
the higher triangle. The heart and throat-centres form the
field of transactions of Mercury. The vocal cords regulate
the expression of sound. The lungs conduct respiration.
The heart is the birthplace of the word. The word of man
starts from the consciousness of “I am” within the heart.
It travels to the A
jna- chakra to be translated into an
impression. It is translated there by the power of Mercury
into thought and the thought is translated into language.
Then it is uttered forth through the vocal cords. This is
the process of the act of speech in the average man. There
is a profound truth in the impression of the astrologers
that Mercury is the Lord of speech. If Mercury in the
horoscope is badly afflicted, the subject lacks a powerful
self-expression. His words fail to command or attract the
attention of others.
When man is speaking, his outbreath causes an
upward pull from the solar plexus. This is the link of
Mercury with the lower triangle. Always, man can be
raised from the lower pole through his speech if only he