Mercury 271
Mercury and Jupiter is represented in the opposition
aspect between Gemini and Sagittarius.
There is a higher counterpart of Mercury on the
cosmic level and it is personified as Na-rada. The double-
link of the higher and the lower triangles in man, which
forms the perfect instrument of speech, is called Veena,
the musical instrument of Na-rada. The linking channels
of Mercury which lie on the vital, mental and the buddhic
planes, are called the strings of the instrument. They are
said to vibrate and produce the musical composition of
thought as word, through the agency of air, the breath of
man. Na-rada is said to have a direct access to Na-ra-yan.a,
the seventh plane of the supra-cosmic universe. Na-rada
can descend from that plane to the lowest earth-plane.
When the activity of the word is at play in the lower planes
of man, it leads to discussion, differences of opinion and
individual concepts. At this stage, speech fails to be a
proper vehicle for understanding. Every man responds
to every word in his own way, depending upon his
previous associations. As the import of words grows
subtler it multiplies in its shades of meaning and the terms
used by men grow abstract. That is why Na-rada is
described as “Kalaha-s’ana” (one who dwells upon
disputes). When speech is applied to the Jupiterian
impression of words (wisdom-level), Na-rada assumes the
role of the adept and takes up the role of one imparting
the name of God.
Mercury has no message of his own, except to
convey those of the higher levels of man to the lower. For
this reason, a man who is governed by Mercury in his
horoscope, will be above motives. Soon he learns to live
in the purest intuitional plane, transmitting the wisdom
of the higher planes to his fellow-men through books,
oration or teaching, initiation and group-training. He will