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Mercury 273

Through proper initiations, he can respond to the
influence of As’wins, Mitra and Varun.a. He can realise the
Number of Aquarius and create atoms in all planes. If
Mercury of the above said position bears a trine or sextile
with Saturn, the subject can learn the shortcomings or
deficiencies of others without effort and guide them to
their true paths within short periods. He is a strict
disciplinarian and a good organizer, who can extract the
best from others. If Mercury of the above said position
bears a trine or sextile with Jupiter he receives the power
of the word. Through blessing, he can encourage, heal,
magnetize others and also dispel the darkness of
ignorance. He has all the qualities befitting the role of a

The workings of the cosmic planet Na-rada reaches
our Mercury through the Pole Star. The solar system of
the Pole Star was raised to the level of liberation by linking
it up with the seventh plane of the supracosmic world,
Na-ra-yan.a, through the initiation caused by Na-rada.*

Mercury governs the prenatal consciousness of man.
The ego in the womb constructs its head-centre under the
supervision of the Pole Star. It builds the throat-centre
under the influence of Mercury who is progressing from
the pre-natal chart. When a pregnant woman receives a
good initiation through reading the scriptures or receiving
the teachings of a spiritual man, when there are good
transits over Mercury of the pre-natal chart, the child in
the womb receives them and reaps the benefit after its
birth from the very commencement of his education.
Na-rada is said to have initiated Prahla-da into the
consciousness of Na-ra-yan.a, while in the womb itself.

  • See Dhruva (Appendix A).

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