5. Jupiter
There is a power in the arrangement of objects. It is
the synthesizing agent of the whole universe. It keeps the
universe in the poise of existence. It is the equilibrium, a
disturbance of which brings about the absorption of the
whole universe into seeming nothingness. Again a
rearrangement of the whole universe “in due and ancient
fashion” for the following period of poise is brought about
by it. The power that is hidden in the arrangement can be
compared to the electric current in a cell. No individual
part of the cell contains the current. It is the arrangement
of the various parts of the cell in the required fashion that
produces the current. Such a power in any arrangement
is called “Apu-rva” (not existing before) by the seers of the
ritualistic path. This activity of the whole creation is the
result of the Grand Cosmic Ritual of the Purusha. The
planet Jupiter presides over such an arrangement in our
solar system and therefore is the Lord of all rituals and
sacraments. In the Ve-dic terminology, any ritual of
sacramental value is called Kratu. The higher counterpart
of Jupiter on the cosmic plane is called “S’akra” the Lord
of Profound Wisdom. All religious activities, all forms of
worship and the science of the building of temples on this
earth are governed by Jupiter.
Money is the means to maintain order of the
mundane world. It is used by man to establish social order
by keeping an equilibrium of the possessions of man. For
this reason, Jupiter has rulership over wealth, treasury
and aspects like economics and planning of the world.