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Jupiter 275

Exchange of monetary consideration is governed by
Mercury while the economic index is controlled by Jupiter.

Expansion, distribution, happiness, fullness,
goodness, justice, law and order also form the province
of Jupiter. Renowned judges and framers of law are under
the influence of Jupiter. Sagittarius, the sign of Jupiter, is
the sign of judges. The descent of the Lord on the day of
Judgement, when He appears on this earth, riding upon
the white horse with a sword in his hand, is marked by a
major conjunction of planets in the asterism Thishya. This
asterism happens to be in the exaltation sign Cancer of

The birth of space for every universe is traced to the
effect of Jupiter on the supra-cosmic plane. Through the
power of sound, he creates space. He utters forth the
sound “kham” and the latent consciousness awakens into
space through the vibrations of that sound. In the
horoscope, Jupiter governs the power of audibility. A
serious affliction to Jupiter causes defective hearing.
Sounds are uttered as mantras through Jupiterian
vibrations. He is called the Lord of words in many
epithets. Word passes from Jupiter to Mercury in the
process of utterance. From Jupiter to the vocal cords,
through the agency of Mercury, the whole process of the
flow of words occurs and this process is called Saraswati.

The vehicle of sound and word, from mouth to ear
through space is repeatedly produced by Jupiter. The
arrangement of sounds into groups to form words and
sentences is governed by another cosmic intelligence that
is located in the constellation Hasta. This cosmic principle
is called Gan.apathy (the Lord of groupings). The
constellation is in the form of the head of an elephant.
This elephant-headed deity is worshipped as the Lord of

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