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Jupiter 277

for the power of the sacred books of wisdom which
capture the minds of men and survive beyond the sweeps
of time. For example Ra-ma-yan.a is composed in 24,000
verses. This is after the meter Ga-yatri of 24 syllables
arranged in the pattern of the 24 lunations in the lunar

Bha-gavata is compiled in 12 books. This arrangement
is after the zodiacal months in the year. The story of the
Lord in that book begins with the tenth volume and ends
with the first volume. This is after the heavenly pattern
of counting the signs from the annual meridian. The year-
God makes his beginning in the annual tenth house, where
the Sun is in exaltation. The cycle comes to an end with
the winter solstice, which is the actual first sign of the
solar year.

Jupiter rules over initiations that are conducted
through the workings of the solar plexus, throat-centre
and the birth place of Indra. The building of the Higher
Bridge is mainly through the power of sound in the soul-
level. Here, Jupiter aids the student through the power of
sound in silence. The birth place of Indra is roused only
through the workings of Jupiter in the process of building
the Antahkaran.a. Jupiter is said to awaken Indra through
his word of wisdom. Until the A


jna- chakra is replaced by
the lotus in Brahmarandhra, located just below the A


chakra, Jupiter is the ruler of the sign Pisces also in the
horoscope of the student. Henceforth, Neptune takes up
the workings and Jupiter fails to influence the sign in his

Jupiter has a double purpose in Mu-la-dha-ra. We have
already explained that the function of Mu-la-dha-ra is two-
fold. While forming the lower triangle, Jupiter governs
the mundane wealth of the subject. The aspects of Jupiter

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