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278 Spiritual Astrology

in such a horoscope only deal with money, food, comfort
and social activity. When consciousness is being elevated
from the lower pole, the higher function of Mu-la-dha-ra
begins. The first thrill of Sushumna along Brahmarandhra
is due to the vibrations of Jupiter. At this stage, the disciple
must have gained mastery over Pra-n.a-ya-ma and should
have entered the gates of Pratya-ha-ra. Henceforth, Jupiter
in his horoscope fails to regulate his mundane wealth.
Every transit and progression contributes to the upward
path. The power of judgement is blended with the pure
impersonal intuition of the buddhic consciousness.
Wisdom dawns without the aid of any external agency.
Rutambhara (the return of the seven judges to earth in the
Bible) unfolds through his Viveka (discrimination). It is at
this stage that Lord Krishn.a says, “Transcend all codes of
law and surrender to me, as one”. Only Jupiter has got
the power of linking up through Pratya-ha-ra and Dha-ran.a,
the diversity of the soul-consciousness of the disciple with
the unifying impersonal consciousness within himself.

This whole process proves that there are two stages
in the path of evolution, which require the workings of
Jupiter. These two levels are called the second and the
fifth initiations by Alice A.Bailey. The second initiation is
a result of the unified effort of Jupiter, Neptune and Venus,
while the fifth initiation is caused by the combined activity
of Uranus and Jupiter. The reason for this double role of
Jupiter in this field is that this planet has the two aspects
of Love and Wisdom in him. His love aspect is active,
while the love aspect of Venus is passive. Love is purified
from the influence of emotion by Jupiter, while it is filtered
by Venus from the influence of limitation by thought-

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