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30 Spiritual Astrology

which it responds in the same manner as our earth
responds to our Moon. This is because our Sun is also in a
stage of the earth globe to a greater Sun. These Moon-
phases are called Manvanthara-s, Kalpa-s and Maha- Kalpa-s
when they work on solar systems, Suns and constellations.
This scale unfolds itself in accordance with our capacity
of perception.

Upon the human beings living in the individual level
(animal men), Moon works as a stimulator of their minds
to a behaviour conditioned by their past karma and
expressed through their emotions, sentiments and
reflexes. This is indexed by the egg of twelve houses in
his nativity (individual chart) along with the planetary
transits over these houses. Upon those who live in the
level of their personality, Moon stimulates their minds to
the activity of motion in the mental plane. This activity is
conditioned by their present Karma and is expressed
through “the unification through differentiation” which
we call the social, political, economic and religious
channels of activity. It is indexed under two sections : (a)
the sign positions of their birth planets (not the house
positions) and (b) the transits of planets over them. The
former marks the ‘fate’ which is unalterable until they
attain the next step in evolution of the ego. The latter (the
transits) mark the ‘free will’ which is alterable by the
individual because he is stimulated to his present Karma
and through it to his past Karma. At this stage, man begins
to disbelieve the existence of the higher order and a higher
plan and believes that the human effort is the deciding
factor. This is the index of Mars working his role in the
evolution of the personality. Consequently Saturn then
gives him the required succession of experiences until the
person is made to suspect the existence of the higher plane.

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