The Place of Moon in Spiritual Symbolism 31
Section (b) of the above said two items, which deals with
transits, has four subdivisions that are separately treated
in detail in the following chapters.
Upon those who have focused their personality
upon a motiveless activity (swadharma or yajna-rtha as it
replaces purusha-rtha) the Moon forms a group-mind or
soul-consciousness which links up with all other beings
of that level wherever they may be. Here, at this point,
his Moon changes his focus of manifestation and
stimulation. Hitherto, the degree of his birth Moon
focused and stimulated all his affairs. Henceforth, the
degree of the Moon at the time of fertilization in the
mother’s womb prior to his birth becomes the focusing
and the stimulating centre. This centre is what we call the
ascendant (mystic East or the mystic Sun) at birth.
From motiveless work of the soul-level, man evolves
to “the level of the Great Bull” or the level of creating
through his word (Vis’uddhi centre). Here Moon provides
him, through his rays, “the oil for the flame of creation to
light his twenty-one sticks of sound-fuel”* as the stanza
describes. Such a man uses his objective word for creative
work like blessing or establishing order, in the increasing
Moon. He uses his subjective word when the Moon is
decreasing. After attaining these two levels, the soul is
guided by Moon not because the consciousness is
conditioned by the Moon-phases but because he does not
disobey the law. He obeys the effects of the Moon-phases
even though he is free from them. “As in heaven so on
earth” is his Christ-principle. If it is otherwise and if the
freedom is exercised by him into an act of disobedience,
there will be the temptation and fall of man due to the
- Ta-ntric Texts.