Periodicity 55
incidents caused by a particular conjunction lasts until
another such conjunction occurs. In fact, the latter
conjunction is also a result of the progression of the former
and hence the whole creation is but the progression of
the first point in time and space which is the true Aries
relative to our creation. The point of a particular
conjunction of two or more planets serves as a local Aries
to that succession of events along the ring of the ecliptic.
The beginning of the present Kali Yuga gives us a fixed
point of Aries - zero, which is now 32 and odd degrees
apart from the vernal equinox of the present time. This
means the equinox has receded by precession to that
extent from the beginning of Kali Yuga. This Kali Yuga
Aries, if we can call it as such, lasts until the end of the
present Yuga. The precession of the equinoxes from that
point gives the Ayana-ms’a to the sub-periods within that
age. The precession and the Great Year mark some sub-
periods of the zodiac within the range of the Kali Yuga.
The precession through 30 degrees marks still further
divisions of each sub-period into twelve parts. The
planetary cycles which travel in the opposite direction to
the equinoxes will mark the further sub-divisions of each
such periods and so on.
The symbolic journey of the vernal equinox from
the beginning of the Kali Yuga zodiac (the true Nirayana
zodiac) through the twelve signs in the anti-clockwise
direction imparts the characteristics of that particular sign
to that age. At present, the vernal equinox has entered
the sign Aquarius relative to the Kali Yuga Zodiac. The
incidents of the world are tinged by that sign as all the
true astrologers of the day know too well. The Aquarian
age is called the age of ether and space. The clue for this
lies in the fact that Aquarius belongs to the airy trine of
signs and is the most sublime principle of air among the