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56 Spiritual Astrology

three. The present age of space and ether opens the
gateways between space in this particular space globe and
the atom in its created stage. It has now come to the point
of development of the latest scientific theory that the atom
is created from space.

We can understand everything about the beginning
and ending of the zodiac by remembering that the
symbolism of the zodiac is based upon the law of
periodicity. The law is so simple as to be ignored. Every
point on a circle is a beginning and an ending. Every
phenomenon in this creation is a beginning of its future
and an ending of its past. The whole creation is a
periodicity having a beginning and an ending on the
background of eternity. If we apply these propositions to
the zodiac we will very easily understand the truth behind
the beginning and the ending of the zodiac.

When the Ve-da-s speak of Kr.ittika as the beginning,
there is reference to another periodicity of the whole
zodiac. When the vernal equinox comes to the
constellation of the Pleiades, there is the true beginning
of the Great Year. Whenever the vernal equinox comes to
the first star of the Pleiades, it is a beginning of the
rearrangement of the world’s wisdom in bigger cycles.
From this point, the Ve-da divides the entire starry path
into 30 equal parts. It then gives the complete readings in
the form of prophecies and a full account of the effects of
the precession through 30 divisions of 12 degrees each.
These prophecies are in the form of 30 sets of cosmic rituals
which form the wheel called Jyothishtoma. The story of
the birth of Kuma-ra who is nourished by seven mothers
(seven stars of Pleiades) contains the clues to read the
effect of the equinox passing through Pleiades.

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