Tortoise as a Symbol 61
The stories of the planets and their loka-s and the order
of sequence of the planetary planes therein, will make the
average man laugh away at them because, they seem
incredible as they do not fit into the order of planets
around the Sun of our solar system either centripetally or
centrifugally. The distances of planets given in the
Pura-n.a-s are not from the earth centre but from the centre
of this cosmic globe. The Pura-n.a-s speak of an innumerable
number of such space globes containing infinite number
of physical Suns emerging and merging. They compare
these globes to the banyan fruits and the Suns of each
globe to the seeds in a fruit. The path to the garden of
God is supposed to have many roads all lined by such
trees on either side. They also compare these space globes
(for purposes of certain higher calculations and practical
hints on occultism) with the ova of the great etherial uterus
of mother-nature, the Mu-la Prakrithi.
The Pura-n.ic astrology also hints that the elongations
of Moon (Tidhi
s) and the tidal disturbances on this earth
are but the epitomized drama of the lunar lineage in which
Manus and Manvanthara-s occur in the same order as those
of the elongations of our Moon. They affect the round of
the creation in the same manner but through altogether
different periods of time. Such a concept is suggestive of
the existence of a higher lunar deity whom the sages know
as So-ma. This lunar deity alters the polarity of the solar
rays (the solar rays through Uranus in the Yuga scale and
those of a still higher planet Twashta in the Manvanthara
scale) into the lunar rays. The solar ray is the positive or
transmitting pole of the electric cell of the universe and
the lunar ray is its negative or the receiving pole. The solar
ray is masculine in the sense that it is creative and self-
manifest from within. The lunar ray is feminine in the