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64 Spiritual Astrology

These signs are rightly called fixed signs. Their nature is
preservation through establishment. The mutable signs
govern the reflexes and instincts of man. Capacities like
thinking, understanding, learning, expressing and
locomotion are governed by these signs. Experience
through pairs of opposites in nature will be gained by the
students through the mutable signs. Also, the motor and
the sensory activities of the nervous system are their

These signs are also responsible for the shape con-
sciousness in the embryo (Kapila principle) which presides
over the faculty of gathering the body after the shape of
the parent. The faculty of imitation, numbering and
arrangement belongs to these signs. Directional sense
which gives us the concept of right and left, the front and
the back, and the upper and the lower is governed by
these signs. An occultist should gain mastery over these
faculties by a process of neutralisation. Living above pain
and pleasure, good and bad, knowledge and ignorance,
and surrendering the right of judging others, will make
him a master of these double signs. On the physical plane
these signs govern those parts of the body which exist in
pairs like the legs, hands, eyes, ears, nostrils, bronchi,
lungs, ribs, kidneys and such others. A mastery over these
signs will be gained by meditating upon the vertebral
column and the verticals of the universe. When the
consciousness is tuned with the centre of Brahmarandhra,
all these pairs are controlled.

Each of these three sets stands on the four arms of a
cross. The four cardinal signs form the cardinal cross. The
four fixed signs form the fixed cross. The four mutable
signs form the mutable cross. These three crosses represent

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