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Classification of the Zodiacal Signs 67

Then comes the triplicity of earth. Earth is physical
matter which gives shape or stability. Therefore the first
earthy sign is fixed. It is Taurus. Next comes the mutable
earthy sign Virgo. The third is the cardinal earthy sign
Capricorn. Next comes the airy trio. Air is locomotion or
polarity in space. Its principle is change from one state to
another. Hence, the first airy sign is mutable and it is
Gemini. The second is cardinal which is Libra. The third
is fixed which is Aquarius. The fourth is the watery trio.
Water is activity on the physical plane. Hence the first
watery sign is cardinal which is Cancer. The second is
fixed which is Scorpio. The third is mutable and it is Pisces.
Thus we find a cyclic variation of the principles of the
quadruplicities in the triplicity. There are many secrets
hidden in this everchanging order of the qualities of the

The principle of the quadruplicities is diversity. The
principle of the triplicities is unity. The whole
arrangement of the zodiac which results in the day and
the year is unity in diversity. It is truly an emblem of the
universe which is the ‘uni-verse’.

The order of emergence of the five states of matter
is space, air, fire, water and earth. But the arrangement as
a zodiac is fire, earth, air and water. This is because the
universe is an intertwined network of the seemingly
opposite principles forming a complementary whole. Of
course the order of the emergence of the states starts from
the space with Gemini. The airy triplicity took its form
first. This is the secret in the statement that the great
approach of the gods was made when the manifestation
was in Gemini. From Gemini there is the birth of its
opposite, the Sagittarius. This gave birth to the triplicity
of fire. This is the birth of fire from air. The word of Logos

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