Classification of the Zodiacal Signs 69
After this there will be a big jerk to the geocentric zodiac.
There is a shift in the poles through 90 degrees and the
polar regions on this earth become equatorial. This causes
sweeping changes in geography. Aquarius becomes
Taurus and the journey is repeated (of course, this change
does not occur completely in the equinoxial sweep, but it
occurs in bigger cycles). This phenomenon has been hinted
in many places in the Secret Doctrine.
The quadruplicities are denoted numerically by four
and the triplicities by three. Hence the base of a pyramid,
symbolic of the solar temple, is a square and its side a
triangle. These two figures by addition represent the seven
principles of creation and by multiplication the twelve
signs of the zodiac (symbols of reproduction).
The three fiery signs in the zodiac symbolise the
three great fires of the Secret Doctrine. In the physical body
they denote the head, the diaphragm and the base of the
spine. As principles in man, they denote the intellectual
fire, the vital fire and the spiritual fire. The three earthy
signs denote the physical body (physical and etheric), the
subtler body (the astral and the desire body) and the
mental body (ma-nasic and buddhic planes). The airy trio
represents the nerve force, respiration and the Pra-n.a
activity. The watery trio represents the instincts, emotions
and love nature. The glands are represented by the watery
and the earthy trio. The chakra-s are represented by the
airy and the watery trio. The digestive and the
reproductory activities are denoted by the watery, the
earthy and the fiery trio.
The occutlist has to gain mastery over all the above
variations that work as tendencies in him. For this, he has
to meditate upon the shapes of all the zodiacal symbols.