The zodiac symbolises both space and time. Time is
the duration of the succession of events that occur in a
cyclic order. The phenomenon of time occurs on the arena
of space and space is a globe relative to any particular
point of manifestation. The aspect of time taken separately
and studied relative to the zodiacal signs discloses the
proportions or measures which contribute to the unity of
‘the solar chariot’ of the Vedic and Pura-n.ic wisdom as well
as the Solomon’s Temple of the Masons.
The time taken by the earth to go round the Sun once
is called the solar year. This cannot be expressed by
rounded numbers through any series of minute divisions
or decimal figures. All the calculations relating to the day,
the solar year and the planetary revolutions get their
round figures only at the time of the great dissolution
(Pral.aya). What all we can obtain is only an approximation
of figures, as measures of time and this is enough for our
purposes. These computations are reckoned by the seers
of wisdom from a point on the equator. The duration of
the period between Sunrise and Sunset equals that
between Sunset and Sunrise on the day of the equinox,
that too only to an observer on the equator. After the day
of the vernal equinox, the duration of the day gradually
increases with a corresponding decrease of nights at the
rate of 24 minutes per month. That is, when the Sun crosses
the annual meridian (enters Aries-zero), the day and the
night are equal.