92 Spiritual Astrology
locating the ascendant of Lord Krishn.a in Taurus. Blue is
the colour of this sign just as red is the colour of Aries.
This truth is concealed in the fact that the colour of the
incarnation of the Lord as Krishn.a is blue. This is a very
powerful key for occult meditation when the disciple is
being trained by his guru in the A
jna- chakra. The colour of
the clear sky during daytime is the proper colour for the
meditation of the occultist, when he dwells between the
throat-centre and the A
jna- chakra.
The passage of the disciple from Gemini to Taurus
marks the construction of the secondary bridge (manas-
buddhi) from the ending of the purpose of the vocal cords
in voice and the ending of the purpose of voice in Pran.a.
The starting point of the bridge is yellow (golden) and its
culmination is in blue. When the disciple closes his eyes
and attempts to see inwardly through the third eye by
uttering forth the sacred word, he gets to a point where
his vocal sound merges in the sound of his Pran.a (breath).
Then his Pran.a merges in his mind. This leads him to
buddhic plane. All this path, when successful, gives the
experience of a splendorous golden-yellow light. When
this fades away into the deep-blue of the sky, it is a sign
of the disciple having completed the construction of this
bridge. This is also the stimulation for the birth of the third
eye. These experiences are symbolised in the allegory of
Lord Krishn.a playing his flute and enchanting the fellow-
beings into a plane called Brunda-vana. The flute has seven
pores modulating the seven musical scales. Similarly,
along the spinal column there are seven sensitive points
(the six chakras and the head-centre). The region between
the throat-centre and the birthplace of Indra (a point just
above the A
jna--centre and below the minor head-centre)
contains all the seven main centres which bear their