94 Spiritual Astrology
the seven great seers (the constellation of the Great Bear).
Pleiades establish a link between the seven stars of the
Great Bear and the seven centres above the neck of the
The transformation of the golden-yellow colour into
the sky-blue via green (the colour of Gemini or Vis’uddhi
chakra), manifests a series of blends. An analysis of all these
blends is not possible at the present stage of man’s
evolution. It can be experienced and its effect felt if one
conceives the blends of colours found on the neck and
the tail of a peacock. Interestingly, Kuma-ra (Subrahman.ya)
has the peacock as his vehicle. Taurus governs peacock,
cow and bull. Lord Krishn.a in one of His many phases is
depicted amidst a herd of cows and bulls and invariably
has the peacock feather as a piece of an ornament! Taurus
represents the Saviour as the cowherd just as Aries
represents Him as the shepherd. Link this up with the
fact that the equinoxes were crossing the Pleiades when
the Lord came down to earth as Sri Krishn.a. It was the
time of the ending of Dwa-para Yuga and the beginning of
the Kali Yuga.
It is common knowledge that as a rule of nature, the
peacocks bear natural enmity with serpents and the latter
are devoured in their mutual feuds. In this simple
phenomenon is the hidden truth that the levels of Taurus
destroy the lower levels of Scorpio only at certain stages
of existence as is implied in the ‘friendly’ co-existence of
the two in the presence of Kuma-ra. Interestingly, the
serpent also forms the necklace of Lord S’iva, the father of
Kuma-ra. A friendship between the serpent and the peacock
can be established by the disciple. Serpents are of two
categories in spiritual symbolism. They are the creeping
serpents and the unwinding serpents. The first class of