96 Spiritual Astrology
Their union is wisdom as creation. This is symbolised by
Mercury as the calf also in Taurus. Thus we find that The
Word, in its four stages of expression, has three phases.
Language and sound as the vehicles of the word are
picturised by the two wings of the Great Swan (the two
pass-words “Ham” and “So”, which manifest themselves
as the respiration in Cancer). The phenomenon of the
word travelling through sound in space (from the speaker
to the listener) is called Saraswati. Swan is the vehicle of
Saraswati. The word comes out from the subjectivity of
the utterer. In this capacity the utterer plays the role of
the creator, Brahma (the masculine or the four-faced who
is different from Brahman the neuter). This Brahma is the
creator and so the ‘father’ of Saraswati. He, as the concept,
follows her as the voice and the language and so the father
and daughter are united in wedlock as man and wife! All
these mysteries are concealed in the sign Taurus and
revealed to the student who dwells in his Vis’uddhi and
jna--centres. When these mysteries are applied to the
cosmic activity, the student gets the secrets of the creation
in the higher planes through the law of correspondences.
The true student of the Gemini and Taurus levels,
performs the act of creation through his word and sound.
The student who dwells in the Taurus-Pisces levels creates
through silence. The former is classed among the builders
of the higher universes while the latter is classed among
the Master-builders.
The utterance of the word signifies self-expression.
For all the people of the individual and the personality
levels, the self-expression dwells in the lower planes of
instincts, impulses and emotions. In this way, the real
word is pulled down from the mechanical vocal word
and is buried deep down in matter. This is the cause for