(Marcin) #1


It is important to be aware of the depth of the water that you are jumping into. Shallower than expected
can cause injury; deeper than expected can result in drowning for a non or marginal swimmer.
Participants should be aware of the need for sunscreen if the pool is located outdoors. Never allow
participants to dive into the pool.

It is not necessary for participants to be swimmers in order to do water aerobics. Exercises are done in
shallow water, which will keep the head above the water. It is important to wear water shoes so that
traction on the bottom of the pool is maintained for safety. Should a participant slip and become
submerged, the instructor is required to stop the class immediately and assist the person who has fallen.
A lifeguard should be present, however, the instructor should be pool guard certified. It is not necessary to
be life guard certified. Life guard training is required for open waters. A pool guard certificate is sufficient
for indoor or outdoor pools and is available from most colleges and universities.

If movements require full submersion (accomplished swimmers only), goggles should be worn to protect
the eyes from chemicals and bacteria present in the pool. Ear plugs may also be necessary to keep the
same out of the ears. Swim caps can be used to lessen the effect of pool chemicals on the hair. Chlorine
will lighten all body hair if sufficient time is spent in the pool. Showers should be encouraged after class to
wash off residues of chlorine since these can irritate the skin causing dryness and itching. If classes are to
be conducted in an outdoor pool, make sure that all of the participants apply a water-resistant sunscreen
with a SPF of 15 or higher. You, as an instructor, are responsible for all aspects of their safety.

Both abdominal and the gluteus muscles should be kept tight with a neutral spine. This requires hips to be
slightly forward with a straight (not arched) back. High jumps out of the water should be avoided except for
advanced students at a high fitness level. Any type of prone exercise which causes the head to be
hyperextended out of the water should also be avoided.

The instructor should be CPR certified. In addition, the instructor should be Pool Guard certified. It is not
necessary to be a lifeguard. Lifeguard certification is generally for open water environments.

Be sure to make an area scan before the participants arrive to insure that there are no hazards that might
cause injury. After they arrive, point out possible hazards and inform them of the slippery nature of the wet
areas. Inform them of the location of deeper areas of the pool.

Heart Rates

Heart rate determinations are not the same for land as for exercise in water. Studies have shown that
water-based exercise heart rates are lower during water exercise, yet the same benefits are the same as
land-based exercise.

Aqua heart rates are approximately 13% lower. This may lead to concern for some people who may feel
that they are not working hard enough using a land based reference. Heart rates will depend on body
position in water. When the body is in a vertical position, heart rates will be about 10 beats lower. In the
horizontal position, heart rates will be about 17 beats lower. As an example, a land-based training heart
rate of 150 bpm would indicate a water based heart rate of about 140 bpm. It is recommended that a 6
second count be used instead of a 10 second count to account for the increased cooling effect of water,
which cools four times faster in water than air.

When performing aquatic exercise, be aware that heart rate may not be the best indicator of the intensity
of your workout. Studies have shown that persons who participate in both land- and water-based exercise
often find their heart rates lower during water exercise, yet they receive the same benefits.

Possible reasons for land-based and water-based heart rate differences are:

Compression - Hydrostatic pressure on the veins aids in the venous return of blood to the heart.

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