(Marcin) #1

Dive Reflex - When the face is submerged in water, a natural process lowers the heart rate and blood
pressure. This may even occur in chest high water.

Gravity - Blood requires less effort to flow back up to the heart.

Partial Pressure - A gas (oxygen) enters a liquid (blood) more readily under pressure.

Temperature - Since water has a greater cooling effect on the body, there is less effort required of the

Due to the hydrostatic pressure of water which exerts external pressure on the chest, some participants
shallow breathe (top breathing). It is important to recognize that this is occurring and encourage them to
execute full breathing to avoid artificially and dangerously increasing the heart rate and blood pressure.
Also keep in mind that raising arms high overhead can artificially increase blood pressure and heart rate
relative to VO2 requirements.


If your workout will include head submersion, participants will need goggles for eye protection against the
harsh chemicals and bacteria present in the water. Eyeglasses or contacts may only be worn if
submersion is not part of the routine. Swim caps may be useful not only to keep hair out of the face, but to
lessen the effects of pool chemicals on the hair. Never use regular land-based weight in the water. The
use of flotation devices to increase buoyancy may help to compensate for reduced natural buoyancy.
However, using buoyancy devices below the waist can result in an unstable condition. A user with too
much buoyancy at the ankle level may find it difficult to maintain an upright position.

Water Barbells (Aqua Blocks) - small foam barbells, which increase the resistance as you move your
arms through the water

Aqua Step - used to perform step aerobics in the water using a special non-skid surface

Flotation Belts - attached to waist to provide additional buoyancy allowing you to increase your range of
motion and work more muscles

Gyro Joggers - two foam rubber circles worn on the wrists or feet to increase water resistance

Hand Webs - webbed gloves used to increase water resistance

Kickboards - used to provide extra buoyancy allowing you to increase your range of motion and work
more muscles

Water Noodles (Woggles) - are long cylinders of foam that can provide increased buoyancy and
increased resistance

The Class


Water level may be anywhere from waist to chest level for beginners and intermediates and deeper water
for experienced participants. For deep water classes, the participants should wear flotation devices. Class
level and water depth will depend on the skill level of the participants and the class goals. Equivalent class
cadence or music tempo is not going to be the same as the same land-based class due to the resistance
of water. The cadence will depend on your participant's fitness level and should be in the range of 125- 150
bpm for shallow water exercise. Complex movements are to be performed at a slower tempo or every
other beat; while simple movements may be performed at tempo. Keep the volume lower than land-based

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