Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1
5.5 Power in balanced three-phase circuits 119

Since the phase angle ~b is given by tan -~ (reactive power/real power) then

4~ = tan-' [V'3(P~- P2)/(PI + P2)] (5.14)

The power factor is then simply cos oh.
Summarizing, using the two-wattmeter method in any balanced star or delta
connected three-phase circuit in which the readings are PI and P2, we can
obtain the following information"
9 total real power
W = (P~ + P2) watts (5.12 bis)
9 total reactive power
Q = ~3(P~ - P2) Var (5.13 bis)
9 power factor
cos 4~ = cos {tan -~ [V'3(P~ - P2)/(P1 + P2)]} (5.15)

Example 5.5
Two wattmeters are connected to measure the power input to a 400 V, 50 Hz,
three-phase motor running on full load with an efficiency of 90 per cent. The
readings on the two wattmeters are 30 kW and 10 kW. Calculate (1) the input
power to the motor, (2) the reactive power, (3) the power factor, (4) the useful
output power from the motor.


1 Let the readings on the two wattmeters be P~ and P2. Then, from Equation
(5.12), the power to the motor is
PI + P2 = 30 + 10 = 40 kW
2 From Equation (5.13) the reactive power is
V/3(P~- P2) = V'3 • 20 = 34.64 Var
3 From Equation (5.14)
~b = tan -1 [V'3(P~- Pz)/(PI + P2)] = tan -1 (34.64/40) - 40.89 ~
so the power factor is
cos r = cos 40.89 ~ = 0.756 lagging
4 The efficiency (r/) of the motor is defined as the useful output power (Po)
divided by the total input power (Pi). Thus
Po = r/Pi = 0.9 • 40 = 36 kW
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