Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1
7.3 Nodal voltage analysis 149

Setting the reference voltage to zero, V3 = 0, and then we have
I- V~/R~ + V1/R2 + (V, - Vz)/R3
Using conductances
I = G1 V1 .Jr_ GzV2 + G3(V 1 _ V2 )

(G1 + G2 + G3)V1- G3V2 = I
Applying KCL to node 2:


(V 1 -- V2)/R 3 = (V 2 - V3)/R 4 + (V 2 - V3)/R 5
It is vitally important to get the signs correct here. For a current leaving a node,
the node voltage is positive with respect to the other node. Thus we write
(V2- V3)/R4 for/4 which leaves node 2 and (V2- V3)/R5 for 15 which leaves
node 2. However, for 13 which enters node 2 we must write (V1 - Vz)/R3.
Using conductances and putting ~ = 0 we get
G3( V 1 -- V2) : G4 V 2 + Gs V 2
Rearranging, we have

(G 3 --]- G 4 -~- G5)V 2 - G3V , --" 0 (7.3)
We see from Equations (7.2) and (7.3) that for node 1:
9 the coefficient of I/1 is the sum of all the conductances connected to node 1;
9 the coefficient of V2 is (-1) times the conductance connected between node
2 and node 1;
9 the right-hand side of the equation is the current flowing into the node from
the source I;
and for node 2:
9 the coefficient of V2 is the sum of all the conductances connected to node 2;

9 the coefficient of V1 is (-1) times the conductance connected between node
1 and node 2;
9 the right-hand side of the equation is zero because there is no source
feeding current directly into node 2.

In matrix form Equations (7.2) and (7.3) may be written

-G3 (G3 + G4 + Gs) Vz
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