Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1

150 Nodal and mesh analysis

This is of the form Ax = B so that Cramer's rule may be used to solve for V~
and V2.

Circuits with voltage sources
The circuits considered in the previous examples have had current sources only.
If a voltage source exists it could be replaced by its equivalent current source
and then the analysis proceeds as described above. Otherwise the analysis is as
shown in the following examples.

Example 7.9
Obtain an expression for the voltage at node 1 in the circuit of Fig. 7.3.

Figure 7.3


5 R1 1 R3 2 R5 3

  • [ ]- - I I I ] -

) R2 R4 ( Vs2


The nodes are identified as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, their voltages being V1, V2, V3, V4 and
Vs, respectively. Node 4 is taken to be the reference, so V4 = 0. Also we see that
V5 = Vs~ and that I/3 = Vs2. We therefore have two unknown node voltages,
and to solve for them we need two equations.
Applying KCL to node 1 and using conductances rather than resistances we
have, assuming all currents flow away from the node,
G3(V1 - g2) -+- G2(V1- g4) + GI(V1- V5)= 0
G3V1 - G3V2 + G2V1 - 0 + G1VI - G1Vsl = 0
(G~ + G2 + G3)V1- G3V2 = G~Vs~ (7.5)
Applying KCL to node 2, again using conductances,

G3(V2- V,) + G4(V2- V4) + Gs(V2- V3)= 0
G3V2 - G3VI + G4V2 - 0 + G5V 2 - GsVs2 = 0
(G3 + G4 + Gs)V2- G3V~ = GsVs2 (7.6)

From Equations (7.5) and (7.6) we see a similar pattern to that in Equations
(7.2) and (7.3) emerging: for node 1,

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