This describes an exponential growth of voltage and is shown in Fig. 8.14.
182 Transient analysis
0 T 5T "-t
Figure 8.14
The time constant of an RC circuit
The product RC is called the time constant (symbol z) of the RC circuit and it is
measured in seconds. When t = R C,
Vc = V[1 - exp (-1)] = 0.632 V
After a time equal to the time constant, therefore, the voltage across the
capacitor will have reached 63.2 per cent of its final steady state value V.
Compare this with the growth of current in an RL circuit when subjected to a
step input (Equation (8.3)).
After a period equal to 5RC, vc = V[1 - exp (-5)] = 0.993 V. To all intents
and purposes, therefore, the voltage across the capacitor will have reached its
steady state value after 5z seconds. The capacitor is then said to be fully
charged and there is no longer any movement of charge to its plates. The
current in the circuit is therefore zero and the voltage across the resistor is also
zero. Because the voltage across the capacitor is initially zero, the whole of the
applied voltage V appears across the resistor in accordance with KVL so V = iR
and the current immediately jumps to the value I = V/R. Thereafter it may be
found from
i= Cdvc//dt- C(d/dt){V[I- exp (-t/CR)]}
= CV[O - (-1/RC) exp (-t/RC)] = (V/R) exp (-t/RC)
Finally, since V/R - I, then
i - I exp (-t/RC) (8.15)
This shows that, as the charging process proceeds, the current decays exponen-
tially from its initial value of I(= V/R) to zero. The waveform of the current is
shown on the following page in Fig. 8.15.
The voltage across the resistor, vR is given by iR - IR exp (-t/CR) and, since
IR = V, then