8.3 Circuits containing resistance and capacitance 183
Figure 8.15
0 %
1,' R = V exp (-t/cn)
This describes an exponential decay of voltage and is shown in Fig. 8.14.
Example 8.6
In the circuit of Fig. 8.16, the switch S is closed at t = 0. Determine the value of
the current (is) drawn from the supply after 30 ms.
10 1-
C = 200pF
II .... i
R1 = 50s U R2 350~
Figure 8.16
From Equation (8.15) the current through the branch containing C and R 2 is
given by
i2 = 12 exp (-t/CR2)
The time constant of this branch is
7" = CR 2 = 200 • 10 -6 X 350 = 0.07 s
The steady state value of the current through the branch is
12 = V/R 2 = 100/350 = 0.286 A.
After 30 ms,
i2 = 0.286 exp (-0.03/0.07) - 0.186 A
The current I~ - V/R1 = 100,/50 - 2 A and it reaches this value immediately S
is closed because the branch is purely resistive. After 30 ms, therefore,
is = I~ + i 2 = 2 + 0.186 = 2.186 A