194 Transient analysis
These transform pairs, together with a few other commonly encountered ones,
are given in Table 8.1.
Table 8.1
f(t) Description L[f(t)] = F(s)
1 exp (-at) exponential function 1/,(s + a)
2 1 unit step function 1/s
3 A step function of amplitude A/s
4 d{f(t)}/dt differential of f(t) sF(s) - f(O)
5 ff(t)dt
0 integral off(t) (1/s)F(s) + f(O)/s
6 t ramp function 1/s 2
7 sin oJt sinusoidal function w/'(s 2 + w 2)
8 cos ox cosinusoidal function s/(s 2 + w 2)
9 exp (-a) sin wt exponentially decaying ~o/[(s + a) 2 + w 2]
sinusoidal function
10 exp (-at) cos tot exponentially decaying (s Jr- O~)/[(S -[- 0~) 2 "Jr- (.0 2]
cosinusoidal function
Application to electrical circuit transient analysis
For transient circuit analysis we convert the original circuit into a transform
circuit, and to do this we need to be able to transform the circuit elements R, L
and C.
If a resistor R has a current flowing through it given by i = f(t) then the voltage
across it will also be a function of time, given by v(t) = Ri(t). Taking Laplace
transforms we have
L[v(t)] = RL[i(t)]
v(s) = RI(s)
Thus resistance is the same in the s-domain as it is in the time domain.
If an inductor L has a current flowing through it given by i(t) then the voltage
across it will be given by v(t)- Ldi/dt. Taking Laplace transforms we have,
from number 4 in Table 8.1.
v(s) : Lsi(s)- Li(O)
If the current is initially zero the second term on the right-hand side disappears
(Li(O) : O)