Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1
8.4 The Laplace transform 197

Equating the coefficients of s 1 we have that


Equating the coefficients of s o we have that


By subtraction, A = 2; by substitution, 1 = 2 + B ~ B = -1. Therefore

i(s) = [2/(s + 1)]- [1/(s + 2)]

From the Table 8.1 we see that the inverse transform of 2/(s + 1) is 2 exp (-t).
This is from pair number 1 with a = 1. Using the same inverse pair with a - 2
we see that the inverse transform of 1/(s + 2) is exp (-2t). Thus the time
response of the circuit is given by i(t) - (V/R)[2 exp (-t) - exp (-20].

Example 8.12
Obtain an expression for the current in the circuit of Fig. 8.33 following the
closing of switch S.

o'~ i(t)s....o__~ R L Ls
' ~! I 1

i(s) R


Figure 8.33 Figure 8.34

The circuit equation is V = iR + Ldi/dt, and earlier in the chapter we solved
this equation for i and obtained the result shown in Equation (8.2). We will now
obtain the same result using the Laplace transform method. First we obtain the
transform circuit.
At the instant of closing the switch S, the current is zero so that there is no
LI(O) source and the transform circuit takes the form shown in Fig. 8.34.
The closing of the switch is equivalent to there being a step function of
amplitude V applied, the transform of which is V/s (pair 3 from Table 8.1 with
A = V). From this circuit we see that
i(s) = (V/s)/(R + Ls) = V/sIR(1 + (L/R)s)]
Multiplying numerator and denominator by R/L we have
i(s) = V(R//L)//s[R(1 + (L//R)s)][R//L] = V(R/L)//Rs[s + (R/L)]
: (V/R){(R/L)/[s(s + (R/L)]}
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