206 Two-port networks
V 1 -- ZllI1 + z1212 (9.1)
V2 = Z21 I, + Z2212 (9.2)
In matrix form these may be written
EVil Zll z12] [11] 93,
v: LZ: Z:: /2
The parameters for this set are called the impedance or z-parameters and they
are defined as follows:
9 Zll is the input impedance (Zi) and is measured as V1/I 1 with 12 = O:
Zll-- (V1/I1)li2=o
9 z~2 is the forward transfer impedance (zf) and is measured as V~/I2 with
I1 - O:
Z12 = (Vl/V2)li,=o
9 Z21 is the reverse transfer impedance (Zr) and is measured as V2/I 1 with
12 = O:
Z21 ~ (V2/I,)112=o
9 Z22 is the output impedance (Zo) and is measured as V2/I 2 with I~ = 0:
z22- (V2/I2)11,=o
Figure 9.2
+0 ~ I1 I2 < 0
Z11~ [~ z22
Z1212~ Z2~l~
-0 0
Since these are all obtained with either the input terminals or the output
terminals open circuited, they are called the open circuit impedance para-
meters. They are measured in ohms.
The circuit shown in Fig. 9.2 satisfies Equations (9.1) and (9.2) and is called
the equivalent circuit for this set.