20 log (IbRu/IaRL) = 20 log (Vb/Va)
Thus the insertion loss is
20 log (0.5V1/O.O479V1) = 20.37 dB
- 12 Propagation coefficient (Y) 229
This is defined as the natural logarithm of the ratio of input to output currents
or voltages when the network is terminated in its characteristic impedance.
Y = In (11/12) (9.69)
Y = In (V1/V2) (9.70)
As well as there being a change in level between I1 and I2 (or between V1 and
V2) there will in general be a change in phase between them, so that Y will be
complex. In general, therefore,
y = a + jfl (9.71)
From Equations (9.69) and (9.70) we see that
I /12 = e
Vl/V 2 -- e h
It follows that
11/12 = e ~+J~= e~e j~= e~Z_/3 (9.72)
V1/V2 = e~//3 (9.73)
a = In 111/121 nepers (= In IV1/Vzlnepers) (9.74)
and is called the attenuation coefficient because it is responsible for the change
in level between input and output quantities.
/3 (measured in radians or degrees) is called the phase change coefficient
because it gives the change in phase between the input and output quantities.