Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1
240 Duals and analogues

Applying KVL to the outer loop gives
11R1 = 12R2 (10.10)
Equation (10.10) could of course been obtained from Equations (10.8) and
(10.9) simply by equating their right-hand sides.
Applying KCL to node X gives
I = I~ + I2 (10.11)
By analogy, the equations for the magnetic circuit may now be written down
immediately. Thus, from Equation (10.8) we have

F(=N/) = q~S + q~2S2 (10.12)

From Equation (10.9) we see that

NI = ~S + @~S~ (10.13)

Equation (10.10) indicates that

q~,S, = q~zS2 (10.14)

Finally, by analogy with Equation (10.11), we have

q~ = q~, + q~2 (10.15)
Table 10.3 summarizes the analogies between the electric and magnetic fields.
Table 10.3
Electric Magnetic Conductive
Electric flux, ~ Magnetic flux, 9 Electric current, I
Field strength, E Field strength, H Field strength, E
Flux density, D Flux density, B Current density, J
Permittivity, e Permeability, ~ Conductivity, cr
Reluctance, S Resistance, R
mmf, F emf, E

Electrical and mechanical systems
Electric circuits are made up of energy sources, sinks and stores represented,
respectively, by voltage or current sources, resistors and inductors or capaci-
tors. Similarly, in mechanical systems there are sources of force, together with
energy sinks (for example, dashpots) and energy stores (for example, springs or
moving masses). There are analogous quantities in the two systems leading to
analogous equations. There are summarized in Table 10.4.
Since the form of the equations shown in the table is identical in both
systems, their manipulation is likewise identical.
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