Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1

Example 4.2

4.1 Alternating quantities 69

Four sinusoidally alternating quantities are represented by:
a = 5 sin oot; b = 15 sin (~ot - 30~ c = 10 sin (~ot + 60~ d = 5 sin 2~ot
If w = 314 rad/s:
(1) comment on the relative magnitudes and frequencies of these quantities;
(2) determine the frequency of quantity d;
(3) state the period of quantity b;
(4) state the phase relationship of
(a) a with respect to b
(b) a with respect to c
(c) b with respect to c.

1 From Equation (4.2) we see that the coefficient of the sine function
represents the magnitude of the quantity. Thus the magnitude of d is the
same as that of a (5 units); b is three times as big as a (15 units); c is twice as
big as a (10 units). From Equation (4.3) we see that f= ~o/27r so the
frequency of quantities a, b and c is the same at oJ/2rr, whereas that of
quantity d is double at 2oJ/2rr.
2 The frequency of d is (2 • 314)/(2 x 3.14) = 100 Hz.
3 The period (T) of quantity b is the reciprocal of its frequency (i.e. 1~If),
which is half that of quantity d at 50 Hz. Therefore T - 1/50 = 0.02 s.
4 Taking quantity a as the reference, we see from the sine functions that (a) a
leads b by 30~ (b) a lags c by 60~ (c) b lags c by 30 ~ + 60 ~ = 90 ~

Phasorial representation of sinusoidal quantities
In Fig. 4.3 the line OP is considered to be rotating in an anticlockwise direction
with a constant angular velocity of 6o radians per second. Starting from the


O~ 02 x/2

Figure 4.3

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