Soap Making Made Easy 2nd edition

(Ben Green) #1

superfatting, or adding certain skin-friendly ingredients, can yield a result that is not
as harsh as commercial soaps, for sensitive or chronically dry skin.

Making soap by hand can be an interesting and fun hobby, but it is also great for
those who find that commercial soaps are too harsh, or those who want to utilize
scents or ingredients that are often not found in the usual store-bought soaps. In
addition, natural ingredients are barely used in commercial soap-making, and while
they are better for the environment, they also tend to yield a higher quality of product
than synthetic detergents and processes.

So, for those who are concerned about the environment, or the effects that
synthetic detergents may have on themselves and their loved ones, soap-making can
be a highly satisfying experience.

! Page 12

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