Soap Making Made Easy 2nd edition

(Ben Green) #1

The Cold-Process Soap-Making Method

This method is favored most commonly by those who make soap by hand. With
the cold-process method, the soap is made from scratch. While it takes longer than
other methods, you have complete control over the quality of the ingredients that go
into your soap, and it is easier for beginners than the warm- or hot-process methods.
The cold-process method is so named because after the lye, water and fat are mixed,
no additional heat is added to the batter.


For making soap, it is a good idea to wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, goggles,
an apron, shoes, and gloves. Lye will irritate and burn skin, and the oils will ruin
clothing and make your skin feel greasy; also, if you are using additives, certain
essential oils can irritate your skin in large quantities. Protect your work area with a
trash bag, or newspaper, to make cleanup easier.

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