Soap Making Made Easy 2nd edition

(Ben Green) #1

Soap Making Advice titles

If you have found this quick guide useful, please consider Michelle’s other titles:

Soap Recipes: A detailed and easy to follow recipe
book with more than 50 unique recipes, from cold
process soaps, to melt and pour soap, shampoo
soaps, liquid soaps, exfoliating soaps and many
more. Available in ePub format for use with any
Ebook readers, smartphones or tablets, or in PDF

Soap Making: A Quick Guide: A summary of the most
important aspects of making soap at home, covering
all the basics. Handy to use as a quick reference
guide. Based on the comprehensive Ebook Soap
Making Made Easy. Available in ePub format for use
with any Ebook readers, smartphones or tablets, or
in PDF format.

You can get more soap making tips and information as well as regularly published
articles on the Soap Making Advice blog.

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